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羅馬柱式香薰蠟燭模具 北歐柱式香薰石膏裝飾飾品 矽膠模具 8439

價格: 原價是: $1.680.當前價格是: $0.840.

商品編號: 8439

重量: 93 克 = 3.28 盎司 = 0.21 磅



Roman column aromatherapy candle mold Nordic column aromatherapy gypsum decorative ornaments Silicone mold 8439

Roman Column Aromatherapy Candle Mold Nordic Column Aromatherapy Gypsum Decorative Ornaments Silicone Mold 8439 Roman Column Aromatherapy Candle Mold Nordic Column Aromatherapy Gypsum Decorative Ornaments Silicone Mold 8439 Roman Column Aromatherapy Candle Mold Nordic Column Aromatherapy Gypsum Decorative Ornaments Silicone Mold 8439 Roman Column Aromatherapy Candle Mold Nordic Column Aromatherapy Gypsum Decorative Ornaments Silicone Mold 8439 Roman Column Aromatherapy Candle Mold Nordic Column Aromatherapy Gypsum Decorative Ornaments Silicone Mold 8439


Roman Column Aromatherapy Candle Mold Nordic Column Aromatherapy Gypsum Decorative Ornaments Silicone Mold 8439

our exquisite collection of silicone molds for Roman column aromatherapy candles and Nordic column gypsum decorative ornaments. We offer both standard mold sizes and finished product sizes for direct purchase. Additionally, we provide custom sizing options to meet individual preferences for enlargement or reduction. Our website showcases 3D prototype images of the products, allowing you to visualize their appearance and details. Whether you’re looking to purchase a standard size or require custom dimensions, our commitment to high-quality addition-cure silicone molds remains unwavering. Browse our website, select your preferred molds, and feel free to contact us through the provided channels to obtain more information or discuss custom requirements.


重量: 93 g

尺寸: 10 × 10 × 5 釐米



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