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Ведущий производитель и поставщик силиконовых форм

+8615217791777 info@silicone-mold.com |

Three-TierOrigamiChristmasTreeAromaCandleSiliconeMold-CreativeDIYCraftingIdealChoice8603L-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Бетон,Свеча,Глиняный иАрт


Three-Tier Origami Christmas Tree Aroma Candle Silicone MoldCreative DIY Crafting Ideal Choice 8603L

Минимальный заказ:1 ШТ

Пункт No.: 8603L

Вес: 293 граммы = 10.34 oz = 0.65 фунт


Похожий стиль

Christmas Tree Aromatherapy Candle Mold Handmade Drip Glue Gypsum Christmas Decoration Silicone Mold 8603s Three-tier Origami Christmas Tree Aroma Candle Silicone Mold - Creative Diy Crafting Ideal Choice 8603l
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  • Подробнее о продукте

Three-tier Origami Christmas Tree Aroma Candle Silicone Mold - Creative Diy Crafting Ideal Choice 8603lThree-tier Origami Christmas Tree Aroma Candle Silicone Mold - Creative Diy Crafting Ideal Choice 8603lThree-tier Origami Christmas Tree Aroma Candle Silicone Mold - Creative Diy Crafting Ideal Choice 8603lThree-tier Origami Christmas Tree Aroma Candle Silicone Mold - Creative Diy Crafting Ideal Choice 8603l

Welcome to our website, where you can explore the boundless creativity of our Three-Tier Origami Christmas Tree Aroma Candle Silicone Mold. This unique mold effortlessly creates eye-catching three-tier origami Christmas tree-shaped aroma candles. Perfect for DIY crafting, it also allows you to craft exquisite home decor and unique gifts. The silicone material ensures the durability of the mold, providing sturdy support for your creative endeavors. Purchase now and start crafting warm and festive handmade creations with this mold!



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