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Ведущий производитель и поставщик силиконовых форм

+8615217791777 info@silicone-mold.com |

HalloweenPumpkinGhostSiliconeMold|DIYCandle,Смола,PlasterCraftMold8910-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Бетон,Свеча,Глиняный иАрт

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Halloween Pumpkin Ghost Silicone Mold | Свеча своими руками, Смола, Plaster Craft Mold 8910

Пункт No.: 8910

Вес: 138 граммы = 4.87 oz = 0.30 фунт


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  • Подробнее о продукте

This Halloween pumpkin ghost silicone mold is ideal for creating DIY candles, resin, and plaster crafts. The mold size is 7.6cm in height, 8.3cm in width, and weighs 138g, while the finished product measures 6.5cm in height, 7.4cm in width, and weighs 113g. Made from high-quality, flexible silicone, it allows for easy demolding and maintains intricate design details. Perfect for Halloween-themed decorations, handmade gifts, or craft projects, this mold suits both beginners and experienced makers.



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