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실리콘 몰드의 선도적 인 제조 및 공급 업체

+8615217791777 info@silicone-mold.com |


영업 네트워크


We and our competent partners can provide you with expert advice.

With a distribution network that includes more Sales Branches and a network of authorized distributors, FAE offers a wide-reaching sales and after-sales service.
We have redesigned our global sales network several times, preserving and exploiting the strongest resellers and partners on specific product segments.

China Mainland

전화: +86-15217791777
이메일: info@silicone-mold.com
스카이프: rtvrxd
왓츠앱: +86-15217791777
주소: 다2, 아니요. 120, 셴니우 로드, 시니우 타운, 잉더(Yingde), 칭위안(青元), 광동, 중국

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