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Small Halloween Cauldron Silicone Mold | Perfect for Miniature Candles, 石鹸, and Resin Crafts 8889S

価格: 元の価格は: $1.932.現在の価格は: $0.966.

商品番号: 8889S

重量: 123 グラム = 4.34 オンス = 0.27 ポンド



Small Halloween Cauldron Silicone Mold | Perfect for Miniature Candles, Soaps, and Resin Crafts 8889S Medium Halloween Cauldron Silicone Mold | Ideal for Crafting Candles, Soaps, and Resin Art 8889M Large Halloween Cauldron Silicone Mold | Perfect for DIY Crafts – Candles, Soaps, and Resin Projects 8889L

Craft your own spooky Halloween decorations with this large silicone mold shaped like a bubbling witch’s cauldron. キャンドルを作るのに最適, 石鹸, レジンアート, or plaster figures, this mold captures intricate details to produce high-quality, festive products that will stand out in your Halloween-themed crafts.

  • 寸法:
    • Finished Product: 9cm x 11.4cm (3.54 x 4.49 インチ)
    • : 10.2cm x 12.6cm (4.02 x 4.96 インチ)
  • 材料: Made from high-quality, food-safe silicone that is flexible, durable, and easy to clean.
  • 重量:
    • : 445g
    • Finished Product: 430g
  • Applications: Ideal for making Halloween-themed candles, 石鹸, レジンアート, と石膏工芸品.
  • 顔立ち: Non-stick surface for easy release, reusable, and able to capture intricate details for a realistic and spooky design.

This silicone mold is perfect for adding a unique and eerie touch to your Halloween crafts, whether you’re creating decorations for your home or gifts for others. Dive into the Halloween spirit with this detailed cauldron mold and unleash your creativity!

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