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SmallHalloweenTeddyBearSiliconeMold|IdealforDIYCrafts-Candles,Sabun,andResinProjects8891S-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,Lilin,Tanah liatSeni


Small Halloween Teddy Bear Silicone Mold | Ideal for DIY Crafts – Lilin, Sabun, and Resin Projects 8891S

Barang NO.: 8891S

Berat: 72 gram = 2.54 oz = 0.16 Lb


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  • Detail Produk

Create your own adorable Halloween-themed crafts with this small-sized silicone mold featuring a cute teddy bear wearing a witch hat. Perfect for making candles, Sabun, seni resin, atau figur plester, this mold is designed to capture fine details, ensuring a professional and charming finish to your DIY projects.

  • Dimensi:
    • Produk jadi: 6.4cm x 5.3cm x 4.1cm (2.52 x 2.09 x 1.61 Inci)
    • Cetakan: 7.1cm x 6.3cm x 5cm (2.8 x 2.48 x 1.97 Inci)
  • Bahan: High-quality, Silikon aman makanan yang fleksibel, awet, dan mudah dibersihkan.
  • Berat:
    • Cetakan: 72g
    • Produk jadi: 35g
  • Aplikasi: Suitable for creating Halloween-themed candles, Sabun, seni resin, dan kerajinan plester.
  • Fitur: Permukaan anti lengket agar mudah dilepaskan, Reusable, and capable of capturing intricate details for a detailed and charming design.

This silicone mold is perfect for adding a playful and festive touch to your Halloween decorations or handmade gifts. Unleash your creativity and enjoy making personalized Halloween crafts with this delightful teddy bear mold!



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