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Produsen dan Pemasok Cetakan Silikon Terkemuka

+8615217791777 |

KecilHalloweenKuali Silikon|Sempurna untukMiniaturLilin,Sabun,danResinKerajinan8889S-DisesuaikanSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,Lilin,Tanah liatSeni


Cetakan Silikon Kuali Halloween Kecil | Sempurna untuk Lilin Miniatur, Sabun, dan Kerajinan Resin 8889S

Barang NO.: 8889S

Berat: 123 gram = 4.34 oz = 0.27 Lb


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  • Detail Produk

Create charmingly spooky miniatures with this small-sized silicone mold designed as a bubbling cauldron. Ideal for crafting petite candles, Sabun, or resin art, this mold is perfect for adding a touch of Halloween magic to your creations. Its detailed design ensures that even the smallest projects stand out with professional quality.

  • Dimensi:
    • Produk jadi: 5.1cm x 6.5cm (2.01 x 2.56 Inci)
    • Cetakan: 6.3cm x 7.5cm (2.48 x 2.95 Inci)
  • Bahan: Terbuat dari kualitas tinggi, silikon food grade, Cetakan ini fleksibel, awet, and easy to use.
  • Berat:
    • Cetakan: 123g
    • Produk jadi: 77g
  • Aplikasi: Suitable for creating Halloween-themed miniature candles, Sabun, resin charms, and other small decorative items.
  • Fitur: Non-stick, easy release, Reusable, and capable of capturing intricate details for a realistic mini cauldron design.

This small silicone mold is an excellent choice for crafters looking to create delightful Halloween-themed miniatures. Whether for personal use or as unique gifts, these cauldrons will add a special touch to your spooky season!



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