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Produsen dan Pemasok Cetakan Silikon Terkemuka

+8615217791777 |

KecilChristmasTreeSiliconeMold|Sempurna untukMiniatureFestiveCandles,Sabun,danResinKerajinan8890S-DisesuaikanSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,Lilin,Tanah liatSeni


Cetakan Silikon Pohon Natal Kecil | Sempurna untuk Lilin Meriah Miniatur, Sabun, dan Kerajinan Resin 8890S

Barang NO.: 8890S

Berat: 48 gram = 1.69 oz = 0.11 Lb


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  • Detail Produk

Add a touch of holiday cheer to your crafting projects with this small Christmas tree silicone mold. Ideal for creating miniature holiday-themed candles, Sabun, or resin ornaments, this mold brings festive charm with detailed features, including stars and ornaments.

  • Dimensi:
    • Produk jadi: 6.8cm x 4cm (2.68 x 1.57 Inci)
    • Cetakan: 7.3cm x 4.9cm (2.87 x 1.93 Inci)
  • Bahan: Terbuat dari kualitas tinggi, silikon food grade, memastikan daya tahan, keleluasaan, and easy release.
  • Berat:
    • Cetakan: 48g
    • Produk jadi: 12g
  • Aplikasi: Ideal for crafting small holiday candles, sabun dekoratif, resin miniatures, dan lainnya.
  • Fitur: The mold is reusable, easy to demold, and produces intricate designs with clear, detailed features, making it perfect for adding festive touches to your crafts.

This small Christmas tree silicone mold is perfect for crafters looking to create unique, holiday-themed miniatures. Whether for personal use or as charming gifts, this mold will bring the spirit of Christmas to your creations!



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