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+8615217791777 |

SiliconeRoseMold-PerfectforDIYSoap,Candle,andResinCrafts8827-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,CanLilinnah liatSeni


Silicone Rose Mold – Sempurna untuk Sabun DIY, Lilin, dan Kerajinan Resin 8827

Barang NO.: 8827

Berat: 85 gram = 3.00 oz = 0.19 Lb


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  • Detail Produk

Elevate your DIY crafting projects with our high-quality silicone rose mold (Model: 8827). Designed for creating beautiful rose-shaped designs, this versatile mold is ideal for soap making, candle creation, seni resin, dan lainnya. The mold measures 7.8cm x 6.6cm x 4.9cm (3.07 inches x 2.60 inches x 1.93 Inci) and weighs 85g, providing a robust yet flexible form for easy demolding and detailed crafting. The finished rose product measures 6.6cm x 4.2cm (2.60 inches x 1.65 Inci), showcasing intricate petal details that will bring your creative ideas to life.

Made from durable and reusable silicone, this mold is easy to clean and perfect for both beginners and seasoned crafters. Whether you’re working on personal DIY projects or producing items for sale, this mold ensures professional-quality results with every use. Add this essential tool to your crafting collection today and start creating stunning rose designs with ease!



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