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+8615217791777 |

OwlPlanterwithFishScaleDesignSiliconeMold-DecorativeCraftingTool8803-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,Lilin,Tanah liatSeni


Owl Planter with Fish Scale Design Silicone MoldDecorative Crafting Tool 8803

Barang NO.: 8803

Berat: 523 gram = 18.45 oz = 1.15 Lb


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  • Detail Produk

Elevate your plant display with this Owl Planter Silicone Mold, featuring a distinctive fish scale pattern. Ideal for crafting decorative planters for small plants, this mold captures the charming details of an owl with textured scales. Crafted from durable silicone, it offers easy release and precise detailing, perfect for adding a unique and artistic touch to your home decor or garden.



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