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MediumSnowmanSiliconeMold|IdealforCraftingWinter-ThemedCandles,Sabun,andResinFigures8896M-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,Lilin,Tanah liatSeni


Medium Snowman Silicone Mold | Ideal for Crafting Winter-Themed Candles, Sabun, and Resin Figures 8896M

Barang NO.: 8896M

Berat: 142 gram = 5.01 oz = 0.31 Lb


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  • Detail Produk

Create your own winter wonderland with this medium-sized snowman silicone mold. Perfect for crafting festive candles, Sabun, dan figur resin, this mold captures the delightful essence of the season with its detailed snowman design, featuring a cozy scarf, beanie, and snowflake decoration.

  • Dimensi:
    • Produk jadi: 9.7cm x 5.7cm (3.82 x 2.24 Inci)
    • Cetakan: 10.8cm x 6.7cm (4.25 x 2.64 Inci)
  • Bahan: Terbuat dari kualitas tinggi, silikon food grade, this mold is durable, flexibel, dan mudah dibersihkan, ensuring that your creations release effortlessly.
  • Berat:
    • Cetakan: 142g
    • Produk jadi: 116g
  • Aplikasi: Perfect for creating medium-sized winter-themed candles, Sabun, or resin decorations that add a festive touch to any space.
  • Fitur: Reusable and easy to handle, this mold is designed to produce highly detailed and precise figures, making it an excellent tool for both beginners and experienced crafters alike.

Add a touch of holiday cheer to your home or craft unique gifts with this charming snowman silicone mold. Perfect for all your winter crafting needs!



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