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Produsen dan Pemasok Cetakan Silikon Terkemuka

+8615217791777 |

MediumHalloweenCauldronSiliconeMold|IdealforCraftingCandles,Sabun,andResinArt8889M-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,Lilin,Tanah liatSeni


Cetakan Silikon Kuali Halloween Sedang | Ideal untuk Membuat Lilin, Sabun, dan Seni Resin 8889M

Barang NO.: 8889M

Berat: 292 gram = 10.30 oz = 0.64 Lb


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  • Detail Produk

Elevate your Halloween craft projects with this medium-sized silicone mold in the shape of a bubbling cauldron. Perfect for making candles, Sabun, or resin pieces, this mold ensures a high level of detail for your spooky creations. Whether you’re crafting for yourself or for gifts, this mold is sure to add a festive and eerie touch to your Halloween decor.

  • Dimensi:
    • Produk jadi: 7.6cm x 9.7cm (2.99 x 3.82 Inci)
    • Cetakan: 8.7cm x 10.9cm (3.43 x 4.29 Inci)
  • Bahan: High-quality, food-grade silicone that is flexible, awet, dan mudah dibersihkan.
  • Berat:
    • Cetakan: 292g
    • Produk jadi: 258g
  • Aplikasi: Perfect for creating Halloween-themed candles, Sabun, seni resin, and other decorative crafts.
  • Fitur: Permukaan anti lengket agar mudah dilepaskan, awet, Reusable, and capable of capturing intricate details for a realistic cauldron design.

This silicone mold is a fantastic tool for creating unique and spooky Halloween decorations, whether for your own home or as delightful gifts for friends and family. Get into the Halloween spirit and start crafting with this detailed cauldron mold today!



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