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Produsen dan Pemasok Cetakan Silikon Terkemuka

+8615217791777 |

FlowerHoldingAngelSiliconeMouldFlowerBasketFlowerFairyGirlFragranceGypsumGlueDroppingOrnamentsMould8426-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,Lilin,Tanah liatSeni


Flower Holding Angel Silicone Mould Flower Basket Flower Fairy Girl Fragrance Gypsum Glue Dropping Ornaments Mould 8426


Barang NO.: 8426

Berat: 558 gram = 19.68 oz = 1.23 Lb


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Craft exquisite flower arrangements and ornamental displays with our Flower Holding Angel Silicone Mould. This high-quality silicone mould allows you to create delicate angelic figures that securely hold flowers, adding a touch of elegance to your floral designs. Made from durable and flexible silicone, our mould ensures easy release and precise detailing. Whether you’re a professional florist or a crafting enthusiast, this mould is perfect for bringing your creative visions to life. Discover the joy of crafting beautiful flower baskets and unique floral arrangements with our Flower Holding Angel Silicone Mould



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