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+8615217791777 |

Five-PetalFlowerCandleHolderSiliconeMold-ElegantFloralCraftingTool8792-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,Lilin,Tanah liatSeni


Five-Petal Flower Candle Holder Silicone MoldElegant Floral Crafting Tool 8792

Barang NO.: 8792

Berat: 173 gram = 6.10 oz = 0.38 Lb


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  • Detail Produk

Craft beautiful and functional candle holders with this Five-Petal Flower Silicone Mold. Designed to create elegant floral-shaped candle holders, this mold is perfect for making candles, seni resin, or even decorative clay pieces. The high-quality silicone ensures easy release and captures the delicate details of each petal, resulting in a stunning finished product. Ideal for home decor, special occasions, or thoughtful handmade gifts, this mold adds a touch of natural beauty and sophistication to your creative projects.



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