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Produsen dan Pemasok Cetakan Silikon Terkemuka

+8615217791777 |

ChristmasSnowmanwithTreeHatSiliconeMold|DIYCandle,Plester,ResinCraftMold8916-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,Lilin,Tanah liatSeni


Manusia Salju Natal dengan Cetakan Silikon Topi Pohon | Lilin DIY, Plester, Cetakan Kerajinan Resin 8916

Barang NO.: 8916

Berat: 93 gram = 3.28 oz = 0.21 Lb


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  • Detail Produk

This Christmas snowman with a tree hat silicone mold is designed for creating DIY candles, plaster, and resin crafts. The mold measures 8.1cm in height, 6.4cm in width, and weighs 93g. The finished snowman is 7cm tall, 5.2cm wide, and weighs 39g. Terbuat dari kualitas tinggi, flexible silicone, this mold ensures easy demolding while maintaining intricate details. Perfect for festive decorations, handmade gifts, and creative craft projects, this mold is ideal for both beginners and experienced crafters.



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