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+8615217791777 |

Bell-AdornedTilted-HeadReindeerSiliconeMold-FestiveChristmasCraftingTool8786-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,Lilin,Tanah liatSeni


Bell-Adorned Tilted-Head Reindeer Silicone MoldFestive Christmas Crafting Tool 8786

Barang NO.: 8786

Berat: 95 gram = 3.35 oz = 0.21 Lb


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  • Detail Produk

Bring holiday cheer to your creations with this Bell-Adorned Tilted-Head Reindeer Silicone Mold! This adorable mold features a charming reindeer with a playful tilted head, adorned with festive bells. Perfect for crafting holiday treats like chocolates, cookies, or cake decorations, as well as for creating with clay, soap, or resin. Made from high-quality silicone, this mold ensures easy release and captures fine details, making it an ideal tool for adding a whimsical and festive touch to your Christmas celebrations and creative projects.



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