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Un fabricante y proveedor líder de moldes de silicona

+8615217791777 |

MerryChristmasTreeSiliconeMold|Perfecto para bricolajeCandles,Resina,andPlasterCrafts8927-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Hormigón,Vela,ClayandArt


Molde de silicona para árbol de Navidad Feliz | Perfecto para velas de bricolaje, Resina, y Artesanías de Yeso 8927

N.º de artículo: 8927

Peso: 119 gramos = 4.20 onzas = 0.26 Lb


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  • Detalles del producto

Celebrate the holiday season with this cheerfulMerry Christmastree silicone mold, ideal for making your own festive candles, resin, or plaster creations. The mold stands 10.2cm tall and 6.6cm wide, weighing 119g. The finished Christmas tree is 9.7cm in height, with cute holiday details like stars andMerry Christmastext, weighing 78g. Crafted from flexible, durable silicone, this mold ensures easy demolding while capturing intricate holiday details. It’s the perfect choice for creating Christmas decorations, Regalos hechos a mano, or crafting holiday-themed decor!




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