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ExtraLarge3DStackedJack-O'-LanternSiliconeMoldforHalloweenCrafts|PerfectforMakingCandles,Soaps,ResinArt,andPlasterDecorations8886L-CustomizedSiliconeMoldsforCandle,Beton,Kerze,Ton und Kunst


Extra Large 3D Stacked Jack-O’-Lantern Silicone Mold for Halloween Crafts | Perfect for Making Candles, Soaps, Resin Art, and Plaster Decorations 8886L

Artikel-Nr.: 8886L

Gewicht: 185 Gramm = 6.53 Unzen = 0.41 Pfund


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  • Produktdetails

Get ready for Halloween with this extra-large 3D Stacked Jack-O’-Lantern silicone mold, ideal for creating impressive and spooky holiday decorations. This mold is perfect for DIY enthusiasts who enjoy crafting large, detailed items such as candles, seifen, Kunst aus Harz, or plaster figures. The triple-stacked pumpkin design adds a festive and eerie touch to any Halloween project, making it a must-have tool for the season.

  • Dimensionen:
    • Fertigprodukt: 2.83 x 4.41 Zoll (7.2 x 11.2 Zentimeter)
    • Schimmel: 3.31 x 4.8 Zoll (8.4 x 12.2 Zentimeter)
  • Material: Hochwertig, durable, and flexible food-grade silicone
  • Gewicht:
    • Schimmel: 185g
    • Fertigprodukt: 220g
  • Benutzungen: Perfect for crafting Halloween-themed candles, seifen, Kunst aus Harz, und Gipsdekorationen.
  • Funktionen: Sturdy, Flexibel, antihaftbeschichtet, easy to clean, and reusable.

This extra-large 3D Jack-O’-Lantern mold is the perfect tool for creating stunning, professional-quality Halloween decorations. Whether you’re making items for personal enjoyment or for sale, this mold ensures detailed and eye-catching results every time.



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